What is your primary goal?
I know you’re here for everything but I want to know your main goal
Lose Weight & Solve Health Issues
Suitable for people who need to lose over 50+ lbs of weight.
Gain Muscle & Reduce Body Fat
Suitable for people who are skinny-fat or slightly overweight.
Develop Healthy Habits
Suitable for people who want to cut out alcohol, junk food and bad habits.
How old are you?
Apply only if you are 25-70 years old
You are not eligible to use this application
We use your age for personalization purposes only.
Older people are focused to have a higher body fat percentage than younger people with the same BMI.
What is your height?
Please, enter a value from 90 cm to 243 cm
Please, enter a value from 5 ft to 7 ft 11 in
Calculating your BMI
Body mass index (BMI) is a metric of body fat percentage commonly used to estimate risk levels of potential health problems.
What is your weight?
Please, enter a value from 80 lbs to 500 lbs
Your BMI is 0 which is considered underweight.
You have some work ahead of you, but it’s great that you’re taking this first step. We’ll use your BMI to create a weight loss program just for you.
Your BMI is 0 which is considered normal.
You’re starting from a great place! Now we’ll use your BMI to create a program tailored to your needs.
Your BMI is 0 which is considered overweight.
You have some work ahead of you, but it’s great that you’re taking this first step. We’ll use your BMI to create a weight loss program just for you.
Your BMI is 0 which is considered obese.
There’s a lot you could gain by losing a little weight. We’ll use your BMI to create the weight loss program you need.
What is your body fat?
Do you have any health problems, current or past injuries?
High cholesterol levels
High blood pressure
Sleep apnea
Low energy levels
Low sex drive
Lower back pain
Knee pain
Joint pain
Low Thyroid Levels
None of the above
Not active
No workouts
Rarely active
1-2 workouts/ week
3-5 workouts/ week
Business Owner
Full-Time Job
Part-Time Job
Surgeon, Physician, Nurse, Physical Therapist etc.
Lawyer, Paralegal, Judge etc.
Software Developer, Data Scientist, Network Engineer etc.
Investment Banker, Financial Analyst, Accountant, Auditor etc
Federal Agent, Diplomat, Military Officer etc.
Teacher, Professor, etc.
Restaurant Manger, Store Manager, Customer Service etc.
Hotel Manager, Chef, Bartender, Housekeeper etc.
Sales Representative, Account Executive, Sales Manager etc.
Arts & Entertainment
Artist, Musician, Actor, Dancer, etc.
Machinist, Assembly Line Worker etc.
Truck Driver, Taxi Driver, Train Conductor, Clerk etc.

We’ve created a personalized plan that will help you to achieve your goal.
Risks, you are at risk of:
High blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, chronic back and joint pain.
Insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, increased risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis and weak immune system.
Nutrient deficiencies, weak immune system, hormonal imbalances, anemia, osteoporosis and cardiovascular issues.
Joint stress, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, joint and back pain
28 y/o
240 lbs
Body TypeObese

Risks, based on your answers, we can help you gain 1.7 lbs of muscle mass per month and achieve your end goal within 1 year. Risks, based on your answers, we can help get to under 12% body fat in 1 year. Risks, based on your answers, we can help you to lose on average 1 lbs per month.
- March 13, 2025
*Based on the data of our clients who follow our Spartan Coaching Program. The chart is a non-customized illustration and results may vary.